Beetroot is a tremendous form of fibre for your pup, it also contains Vitamin A is fundamental for good vision, maintaining healthy skin, and even for reproduction & Vitamin C, is essential for healthy bones and teeth, although not a massive Vitamin needed for pups, folic acid and magnesium, sodium and potassium, all of these minerals are macro elements, which are necessary to coordinate different muscular, nervous system, and neurological functions of your pup.
Folic acid also helps to prevent some diseases in foetuses’, which is of special interest in pregnant female dogs.
Basil is healthy for your dog to eat in small quantities. It helps maintain your pups breath, it works as an anti-inflammatory and contains a high level of antioxidants that help prevent many types of illness including cancer. Basil also helps prevent cellular damage. It can work as a calming ingredient for your anxious dog, and helps eases arthritis pain.
Quinoa contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin B1 & E, and amino acids. This very nutrient-dense seed has a lot to offer your pup. Potassium helps in the balance of fluids and electrolytes in your pups body, and helps heart function efficiently does a few things for your dog’s body. It keeps a good balance of fluid and electrolytes and helps normal heart and nerve system functions